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Michael Drues

Michael Drues

Vascular Sciences, USA

Title: Future medical applications in 3-D printing: clinical benefits, regulatory issues & manufacturing challenges


Biography: Michael Drues


Is printing a knee really any different than printing a drug? The regulatory strategies are exactly the same! Interested in 3-D printing applications in medicine, not just what we are doing today but what we could be doing in the future and how do we get there? For example, can we ‘print’ medical devices? can we ‘print’ permanent implants? can we ‘print’ combination products? can we ‘print’ drugs (i.e., new molecular entities)? can we ‘print’ living tissue? What are the technical and regulatory challenges these new technologies pose? Using case studies from a variety of clinical specialties, all of these and more will be discussed in this interactive webinar. Strategies for using regulation as a competitive advantage will also be discussed. 
  • Understand what is currently being done in biomedical 3-D printing 
  • Appreciate the technical and regulatory challenges and how to address them 
  • Be aware of applications and technologies underdevelopment