Sefinew Migbaru
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Title: ABC-VEN matrix analysis of pharmaceutical inventory management in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital for the years 2009 to 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Biography: Sefinew Migbaru
Background: Effective drug supply management ensures uninterrupted availability of quality approved, safe and effective pharmaceuticals. This can be achieved through proper selection, quantification, procurement, distribution and use of drugs based on consumption and morbidity pattern of the catchment area by using a system like ABC-VEN matrix analysis.
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess pharmaceutical inventory management of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) from 2009-2013 by using ABC-VEN matrix analysis method.
Methods: This research was retrospective facility based cross sectional study in which ABC, VEN and ABC-VEN matrix analysis techniques were utilized to assess the 5 years (2009-2013) pharmaceutical inventory management system at TASH. The study was conducted from January-May 2014.The list of drugs with corresponding prices was retrieved from goods receiving vouchers (GRV)/ (models 19).
Results: Out of the five years pharmaceutical ABC analysis; Insulin /NPH/, Examination glove, Gauze Bandage, Surgical Gloves, Vicryl and Normal Saline 1000 ml had exist through five years by covering huge amount of money. From ABC-VEN matrix analysis, majority of items were Category I. Most of the Category I pharmaceuticals in turn were Class A and V items which require great attention for their safety and availability.
Conclusion: The study findings indicated that there are huge pharmaceuticals in TASH, which need proper management and supervision. The hospital Drug Therapeutic Committee and other concerned bodies are invited to use this ABC-VEN matrix work and try to adopt its principle.