Ting-Chao Chou
PD Science LLC, USA
Ting-Chao Chou received MS in Pharmacology from National Taiwan University, and PhD from Yale University, and Postdoctoral Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine. He joined the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and became a Member in 1988, and was a Professor of Pharmacology at Cornell University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences during 1988-2000. He was the Director of Preclinical Pharmacology Core at MSKCC, where he retired on January 06, 2013. He is the Founder of PD Science, LLC., USA. He published 273 articles that have been cited by 16,421 papers in 620 bio-medical journals worldwide including Thomson Reuters Web of Science and Google Scholar Citations with 22,336 citations, h-index 65 and 38 U.S. Patents. He introduced the “Unified Theory of the Median- Effect Equation of the Mass-Action Law” in 1976 for single drug, and with Prof. Paul Talalay (JHU) in 1984, created the “Combination Index Theorem” for multiple drug dynamics. His dynamics equations and software have been utilized to advance Econo-Green Bio-Research.
Abstract : Toward better and effi cient equilibrium dynamics of research, development, and regulation